Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Focus on Process Not Destination.

Focus on process, not a destination
Hard to achieve the ideals of most people because all focuses only on the target rather than on the prosess, but his key to the right, a good process will surely get the best results.It is very important. Often you down mentally when faced with the difficulty of achieving the goal. Focus on the process. Each process takes time. Whether fast, either slow. Your goalis clear, but the journey to get there can be winding and up and down. With a focus on the process you avoid the mental burden because now you have control over the process itself, rather than controlled by the target to achieve the goal.

Now you better know that motivation is the key to success. All you need now is a strongwillingness to apply it in everyday life. Like what the saying goes "There's a willingnessthere is a way". Congratulations doing and do not forget to appreciate yourself in everymoment of success no matter how small it is.
Action now, Enjoy your life .. start small, start from yourself and from now on. Hopefullyuseful ... glorious greeting

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Becareful..Secret success from Miliondollarman

WARNING..!! Becareful with this secret success from milliondollar man success..become change your life..;)
Success Secrets of a man named Brian Tracy, who began his career first with debt, livehard, but eventually managed to become millionaire. Here's 21 Success Secrets are revealed:
1. Dream Big Dream
2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction
3. See Yourself as Self employed
4. Do What You Love to Do
5. Commit to Excellence
6. Develop a Workaholic mentality
7. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning
8. Pay Yourself first
9. Learn every detail of your business
10. Dedicate yourself to serving others
11. Be Impeccably Honest with yourself and others
12. Set priorities and concentrate single-mindedly
13. Develop a Reputation for Speed ​​and Dependability
14. Be Prepared to Climb from peak to peak
15. Practice self-discipline in All Things
16. Unlock your inborn creativity
17. Get around The Right People
18. Excellence Take Care of Your Physical Health
19. Be decisive and Action Oriented
20. Never Consider The Possibilities of Failure
21. Back Everything You Do With Your Persistence Determination

Well, here's 21 secrets of successful demolished today

Congratulations doing and do not forget to appreciate yourself in everymoment of success no matter how small it is.
Action now, Enjoy your life .. start small, start from yourself and from now on. Hopefullyuseful ... glorious greeting.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Smile for Smart Life

Make Your Smile for Life

when your work was not appreciated then when you're learning about sincerity.

When your efforts are not considered important, then when you're learning that sincerity.

When your heart has been hurt badly, then when it is you're learning about forgiveness.

When you have tired and disappointed, then the time you're learning about sincerity.

When you feel lonely and alone then that time you're learning about toughness.

When you have to pay unnecessary fees you're responsible, then the time you're learning about generosity


keep the spirit

remain patient

keep smiling

continue to learn

Because we are all studying at the university of life


God put you in your place now, not due to chance.

People who are great are not generated through:


Pleasure and peace

Rather they are formed by:


Challenges and tears ...

So when you experience something really heavy and feel left alone in this life:

Lift up your hands and head gaze upwards ... your future ... And know ...

God is prepare you to be ...

People who are remarkable for being a winner ....

God bless us all.
Greeting success..make your smile every days..;)