Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Tips Motivation Daily Fresh Life

We judge ourselves of what we think we can do, while others judge us from what we've done. For that, if you think you can, do it immediately

Instead of slow growth that should you fear. However, you should be more scared to not grow at all. So tumbuhkanlah yourself with it at any speed.

If you're right, not too bold, and if you're scared, do not be too scared. Because balance is a determinant of the accuracy of the attitude of your success journey

Our task is not to succeed. Our job is to try, because in trying to discover and learn why we are building a chance to succeed

You just close to them that you like. And often you do not avoid people who you dislike, but from him that you will recognize a new perspective

People who stop learning will be the owner of the past. People are still learning, will become the owner of the future

Leave pleasure that hinder the achievement of excellence in the life of desire. And be careful, because some pleasures are way excited to failure

Do not resist change just because you're afraid of losing that has been owned since doing so you are degrading the value that you can achieve through the change

You will not succeed if you become a new person determined to retain your old ways. You will be called new, but only if you are new ways

The accuracy of attitude is the foundation of all accuracy. No barrier of success if your attitude right, and no one can help if you have the wrong attitude
Elderly people who are opportunity-oriented young people who never ages, but youth-oriented security, had aged since his youth

 Only people who can dare to fear, because courage is doing something that is dreaded. So, when feeling afraid, you will have the chance to be brave

The greatest power that is able to beat stress is the ability to choose the right thoughts. You will be more peaceful if you think is the way out the problem.

 Never tear down a fence without knowing why it was founded. Never ignore the good guidance without knowing the badness that then you can
Someone who refused to renew the ways it works that no longer produce, act like people who continue to squeeze the straw to get the coconut milk

If you have not menemkan a job that suits your talents, whatever bakatilah your current job. You will look brilliant as a talented

We have more respect for poor people than rich people who dare cowards. Because actually have clear differences in the quality of future will they achieve

 If we only do we already know, when we will get new knowledge? We do not yet know is the door to knowledge
Do not just avoid the impossible. By trying something that is not possible, you will be able to achieve the best of what you might accomplish.

One of the cruellest pengkerdilan in life is to let a brilliant mind becomes a slave to a lazy body, which put the breaks before fatigue.

If you are looking for money, you will be forced to seek the best service.

But if you put a good service, then you are going to look for money

Time, change all things, except us. We may ripen with berjalanannya time, but not necessarily membijak. We who had to change ourselves

All the time is right time to do something good. Do not be parents who are still doing something that should be done when young.

 There is no price for their time, but time is very valuable. Choose a time does not make us wealthy, but to use it well is the source of all wealth

Take your Stress

Apabila ada orang lain selalu memaksakan kehendaknya pada anda dan membebani anda dengan kesulitannya, belajarlah untuk mengatakan TIDAK!.. karena ini akan lebih baik daripada anda menderita dalam hati. Begitupun jika kita mengalami situasi yang membuat diri kita stress ada baiknya anda perhatikan tips berikut ini :
Jangan selalu tergantung pada orang lain, berusahalah untuk selalu mandiri. Jangan berburuk sangka bahwa orang lain akan menghina atau membicarakan anda, karena belum tentu orang itu sesuai dengan sangkaan anda.
Jangan selalu mengingat kesalahan dimasa lalu, karena rasa bersalah dan menyesal akan mempersulit dan menguras segenap pikiran dan tenaga anda.
Jangan menyimpan kemarahan dan frustasi. Utarakan dan bicarakan dengan orang yang bertanggung jawab atas terjadinya hal tersebut.
Luangkan waktu setiap hari untuk mulailah kegiatan baru.
Jika anda sedang berkendaraan janganlah menjadi pengendara yang agresif, mengalahlah pada Setan Jalanan. Jalankan kendaraan dengan sikap mengalah.
Janganlah menyimpan rasa dengki dan cemburu, karena rasa itu memakan banyak energi pada tubuh.
Jangan membiasakan bersikap terburu-buru, karena tindakan terburu-buru akan menjurus pada kesalahan, penyesalan, dan stres..
Yakinkan pada diri anda bahwa sebesar apapun cobaan2 yang Tuhan timpakan diri anda, pasti sudah sesuai dengan kadar kemampuan kita untuk menghadapinya.

So.. kenapa kita harus stress jika kita punya keluasan hati tuk menerima semua hal dan bisa menyikapinya dengan baik, tenang, sabar, dan benar, tentunya tidak akan pernah ada kata stress di dunia ini :-D. Ada pepatah mengatakan “makin sering orang stress makin besar orang itu berpeluang memperpendek umur.”

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Respecting Your Self Secreet Award

Respecting yourself is part of an effort to get the award.
A management study revealed the reason for an employee quit his job:
- 46% of employees who quit their jobs because they are not valued
- 61% said that their superiors did not consider them important as a human
- 88% said they did not receive the recognition of work done
The results showed how important the award from the company to employees.
  The award is one simple way to powerful to motivate employees. Another way is with a good salary, job security, promotion opportunities, good working conditions, interestingwork, Loyalty Management, Discipline a thoughtful, understanding attitude, feelinginvolved.

But before a reward from the company, an employee must first respect himself. There are people who deny that he is able, there is a culture feel 'unworthy'.
Respecting yourself is different from arrogance. Arrogant itself there are 3 types:
1.Sombong empty (no contents)
2.Sombong with the negative side (insulting / discouraging others)
3.Sombong inpsiraisional (I can, you also can)

Make a record of your achievements. Not for anyone else, but for yourself. Note thatachievements will foster self-confidence, and provoke you to achieve the followingaccomplishments. Note that achievements will make you believe that you deserve an award. Greetings success..;)

Rabu, 16 November 2011

5 Things you regret in Life

There are 5 things that become something that is most regretted. By knowing the five things that, hopefully we can avoid future regret. These five things are:

1. I am too live according to the size of others, and do not really live out what I want.
- During this life only to: pleasing other people, afraid of what people said to him, and not being yourself. Example: take a selection of majors that do not correspond to his heart, choosing a career that does not like just for the elderly.
- Not happy

2. I work too hard.
- Workaholic is one disease that eats away at the current generation.
- Regret that arises is: do not have time for family, loss of health, too tense and serious, a lot to lose "fun".

3. I wish I could express my feelings better.
- There are many situations in the past that we may suppose
- Regret

4. If I were more friends and keeping in touch with old friends
- For reasons of busyness, lost contact and relationships with friends. Though the function is an old friend: the history of our past, chart our journey, our old memories that allow us to be in a situation right now.
- Through an old friend, we can reflect and look back on our life's journey.

5. Why I do not choose to live more happily?
- Much of his life grumbling and complaining.
- Not happy because of: regretting the things that has past, what has not happened falt concerned.

Important tips:
- Read the fifth repeated regret it. Then give yourself the assessment. Are you good at a specified size or anything as bad.
- Begin to make a commitment and a plan. The main commitment is "I do not want to be the one to regret one of them". Based on this commitment, make plans about what you want to do. Good with your life, your family life, and your friends.
- Distribute 5 regret this to your friends or your family, for mutual support. the best of people is the most beneficial for others.
Greeting Success..;)

Shopping Stores in Happiness

A young man who was always restless and anxious to see a wise man and asked, "How long to obtain happiness?". The wise man replied, "About 10 years". Surprised to hear that youth and again asked, "Why so long?". The wise man replied, "I'm not mistaken, you may take 20 years".The youth were surprised, "Why do you add a 2-fold?", He said. The wise man said, "In this case you probably took 30 years".
What comes when you hear that story? Why are more and more the young man asked the more time needed? Then how do we get happiness?
Happiness will be achieved if we want to do a search within ourselves. All can not be obtained by just-only, there is a price to pay. For convenience, happiness could be analogous to a store, the store Happiness. There were no items called happiness, because happiness is not for sale. This store sells all the goods that are the building blocks kabahagiaan, such as patience, sincerity, gratitude, compassion, honesty, resignation, and willing to forgive. This is the stuff it takes to achieve happiness. But this store does not sell goods, but a seed. If you are interested in buying the patience, then you will only receive the seeds of patience. Therefore try to grow the seed to produce fruit of patience.
The seed that was sold and there are various levels. 
Tolerance levels 1: face the traffic jams.
Tolerance level 2: facing an arbitrary boss, or friends who like to slander.
Tolerance level 3: the face of children who get autism. Another seed was grateful.
Thankful level 1: thankful at times happy.
Thankful level 2: thankful at times difficult. While honest level 1: honest in ordinary conditions. Honest level 2: honest under threat.
Every product sold at different prices, according to the characters that were grown. The most expensive is patience because it is the raw material of all kinds of products sold.
Life is Beautifull Giving is Powefull...Miracle your Life..

Selasa, 15 November 2011

The Happiness Advantages

Distort the results of conventional wisdom. It turns out we can get a good job, great salary,exciting promotions, if we are happy. Yes, happiness will lead us to success. Perhaps it isa simple explanation, if we are happy, we will try to get all of it with pleasure. If we performour work with pleasure, then we will finish the job properly, and promotional opportunitieswill be more open.

People who are happy, the chances of success greater than with someone who is alwaysgrumbling. Students who are happy will be better value than the depressed students.Happy, coupled with good strategy, will open the chance for success.
We can be happy without any reason. We can be happy anytime and anywhere. No need to wait for certain moments to be happy.

There are some tricks to make us happy:
1. meditation
2. exercise
3. Define the goal / plan a fun
4. do good

- Goal may not make sense, but the plan must be reasonable. The steps to be taken toachieve the goal it easy / possible.
- 5 good deeds only small ones, will make us feel happy in a long time.
Start small, start now start from ourselves.
greetings successful

Power of gratitude wisdom true success

Things or events that occur as we sometimes do not want / expect. We feel happy whenthat happens is something fun. Instead we feel disappointed if that happened wassomething unpleasant.

In responding to life, takes "science gives the meaning". With science giving meaning, wewill be able to receive any events that occur with gratitude and gracefully, especially forunpleasant events. With science giving meaning, in the event that is beyond their control(not fun) then the anger can be managed.

Science gives meaning associated with prudence. If we could sense right member ofevery event that happens then we have to be wise. For that we must be good sense for anymember events. People who regret an unhappy life event. Events that already happened is something that can not be controlled. Accept! Make whatever happens as a positive thing.Though bitter, make it as a lesson to be better.

There is always be thankful of every event, including the events that are not pleasant orbitter though. Be assured that God wants to make us better. Look at the people aroundyou, a condition no better / luckier than you.